Thursday, July 15, 2010

Paraliminal Audio for Self-H

George Carlin on self help: "I went to the bookstore and asked the salesperson, 'Where's the self-help section?' She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose."This type of reality shock may be a turning point where you discover that you have to depend on you.The turning point for most of us comes when we realize we can improve our lot in life.

The moment we accept that we are not controlled by outside events; rather, we are dominated by your own thoughts and actions. It is at this point in time that most of us turn to some sort of self help.Webster defines self help as the action or process of bettering oneself or overcoming one's problems without the aid of others. Changing ones self. The Four Types of Self Help.

Self Help to Self Discipline

Self help can be designated as one of four types:

1. The AHA or epiphany moment - where a person has a dramatic moment of absolute clarity and direction. Their life pivots and is never the same. Like the moment when an alcoholic hits bottom.

It is the instant when a realization impacts your consciousness, and you know that life must change and only you can change it. It can be a moment when the solution to a problem, you've been struggling with, becomes crystal clear. You know without a doubt how to deal with it.

2. One on one help comes when you feel you can no longer handle the situation alone, you can no longer keep everything inside. You may seek counseling with a psychologist, therapist, or spiritual leader. Perhaps you simply talk to a confidant such as your best friend.

3. Group interaction. Groups emphasize face to face interaction. The act or state of solving one's problems by joining or forming a group designed to help those suffering from a particular problem, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or other twelve step programs.

Are many help programs through community, churches, social groups; or paid groups such as those for weight loss and so forth. Self help groups are voluntary. They are for the mutual aid and accomplishment of a special purpose. It is a group of peers coming together for common mutual assistance.

Start With Self Help Anxiety Problems

4. Individual self help can be accomplished by reading and reeducating your self. You gain clarity into a problem or situation and overcome it by yourself. It usually involves reading and studying self help books and doing research. Otherwise know as self improvement, self help refers to the acts of an individual to improve themselves with or without assistance from anyone else.

The term, self help, refers to any measure used to improve mental, physical, financial or spiritual conditions. By means of books or other reference materials.It is the act of providing help for oneself without assistance from others. Individual self help emphasizes change done by oneself, like coping with one's personal or emotional problems without professional help.

I've personally participated in all four types. They are all beneficial. I still attend meetings, conduct individual and group sessions and write self help Ebooks. Don't limit yourself to any one.

Self help is the acquiring of information for the solving of one's problems. Those of a psychological nature, without direct supervision of professionals or experts. Independent reading, joining lay groups pertaining to your problem. Add to Technorati Favorites Bookmark and Share


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