Saturday, March 27, 2010

Self Help Books and Critics

You can find many advices for a happier life in so-called 'self-help books', which are widely sold in most of the countries these days. Many of these books are enriched insights from different psychological science based particulars on the newly developing 'positive psychology'. Most of these books have some common themes including, personal growth, personal relations, coping with stress and identity. There is a lot of skepticism about these self help books.

Another very dangerous thing we found that some of them were claim that they provide false hope or even do harm. Although there are also reasons to expect positive effects from reading such books. One very good reason is that the messages fit fairly well with observed conditions for happiness and another reason is that such books may encourage active coping. There is also evidence for the effectiveness of biblio- therapy in the treatment of psychological disorders.

Like every medicine or treatment there are some positives and also some negatives consequence of self-help are a neglected subject in academic psychology. This is regrettable some time; because self help books may be the most important although not the most reliable channel through which psychological insights find their way to the general audience.

There are number of scholars they have targeted self-help claims as misleading and incorrect. In the year 2005, Steve Salerno portrayed the American self-help movement with rather ridicules way, he uses the acronym SHAM: the Self-Help and Actualization Movement not only as ineffective in achieving it's goals, but also as socially harmful.

Another writer named Christopher describes the self help books in his words that "The only way to get rich from a self-help book is to write one." I don't think that all of these comments are acceptable. Because there are so many self help books are available in the market which really help a person to overcome his or her personnel problem.

Despite of these critics another fact is that every year there are 2,000 self-help books published worldwide. Some are fabulous, some are indifferent and some are positively harmful. So how do you pick your way through what's on offer? Susan Quilliam chooses her ten favourites of all time - covering every aspect of personal development from self-esteem, through love, sex and family, to supporting other people.

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

This book is known as one of the great self help book of our time. It tackles the issue of fear, particularly for women, and how fear can hold us back. The book not only focuses on fear, but also on building confidence, positive thinking and overcoming low self-esteem.

Jeffers has produced a number of follow-ups that build on the concept, but Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway is the ideal book for newcomers to the self-help book scene or to remind yourself of what you may have forgotten about personal growth if you are an old timer.
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